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Friday, September 23, 2011


Congress has failed the American People; the two-party system has failed the American People.

All current Congressional Incumbents should be voted out of office.  Congress now votes "along the party line", rather what is in the best interest of their constituents.  Hence, nothing important really gets done.  The American People are no better off today than they were when Bush & Cheney left office.

No Politician wants to take responsibility for how or why the United States is in a financial crisis. (With the exception of Ron Paul)  Because if they do they may have to account for why they allowed Bush & Cheney to wage an illegal war that cost the country Billions of dollars.  It is a fact, the Bush Administration mortgaged the United States to China to fund this war.  Now those that supported this failed cause don't want to have their taxes increased to pay for this fiasco.

Republican's continue to fight any increase any increase in the income tax they are paying.  They want the "middle class" to pay for the ill fated war in Iraq and Afghanistan that many of them or the Corporations that support them profited from.

They Bush/Cheney Administration stressed reduced taxes for the Rich and for the Corporations using the Reagan concept of "trickle down economics".  Basically, if we reduce "their" taxes they will employ more people and they economy will grow.

That theory didn't work under Reagan; and it certainly didn't work under Bush, because if it did work we would not have this Unemployment Rate combined with record Corporation's Profits.

Summary:  All Congressional Incumbents should be voted out!  Bush tax cuts should be eliminated.
Lobbying should be outlawed.  Let's tie Congressional wage to the Federal Minimum Wage.  Maybe it's time for the United States of America to Un-Declare our Independence and return to the rule of England.